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Joy and Pain - a devotional

My Hall Director sends weekly Family emails to English Hall (my dorm) each Monday. Each email includes a devotional that is focused on one of the monthly fruit's of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). I wrote one a few weeks back on the topic of joy. :D

Here goes:

Sometimes it’s hard to be happy when responsibilities are lurking and stealing my sleep. How am I supposed to be joyful when I’m so stressed? Joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit, but what about when I’m sad? When my friends or family are hurting, should I just smile and expect to feel all warm inside?

Ecclesiastes 3:4 says there is “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance” (NIV).

Perhaps just like Joy learned in Inside Out, a constant state of happiness isn’t healthy.

There is a time for sadness, at least on this side of heaven.

Even in the shadows there are moments of joy. I see joy in children using a stick as a fishing pole, pretending to fish in a fishless pond. I see it in the compassion of a professor extending a deadline and a friend giving an extra-long hug.

I feel joy as I gaze under my feet, at moss and mushrooms and above at the sunset and starlight. This majestic joy comes from our beautiful Creator. (Psalm 19:1-3)

Yet, when I can’t even see the smallest goodness, I hope to remember that this world is fallen and it’s okay to cry. Even Jesus wept. (John 11:3)

Crying doesn’t mean we can’t have joy. I remember hearing that joy is more than a feeling, it is a confidence we have because of Jesus, His sacrifice and His love for us.

God knows us fully. No matter what the world throws at me, I might cry, but I will fall back on Him.

We can also have joy in our hope for the future. One day, God will wipe away the tears from our eyes. Pain and death will be no more. (Revelation 21:4)

Until then? I hope you will join me in praying: lament what needs to be lamented, praise what must be praised. Let’s drink some coffee, hot chocolate or tea, and hug our friends.

The shortened version: I don’t think my joy is supposed to be a forced smile when I’m really sad. I think joy is both an authenticity of how I am feeling and an understanding that God is with me, and I trust Him to be faithful.

God has got me. God has got you. Love you girls [and guy readers :D] and have a great day!

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