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Why I journal (and think you should too)

People journal for a variety of reasons:

Remember the feels (and understand them)

Remember the adventures

Understand themselves

Understand the world

Record prayers

Be creative


In short: To analyze, to not forget, to create and to know

There is something so calming (in my experience) about journaling. (Unless it is super late and I want to go to bed, then it isn't really calming, lol).

I didn't used to journal. I would start one and then yeet it away and totally forget about it. Last year I joined a challenge called the 100for100 (100 words for 100 days), and I used this to keep me journaling. I have been journaling every day since. I needed a challenge like that to keep me on track, but I definitely don't think people need to journal everyday. I do it because I needed it as daily habit.

Sometimes life is so busy I forget to think and reflect.

Sometimes I ignore my emotions and stress.

Sometimes I forget the tiny and big adventures in my life and think that each day is uneventful.

When I started journaling: BOOM. I started to realize how precious and exciting everyday was. How kind people are to me. How little things (like homemade food, or a friend giving me chocolate) actually matter to me. I can look back and remember through reading my misspelled words and sad handwriting: my dreams and fears and stresses. I can look back and see how far I've come.

ANYWAY, if you aren't journaling already..... *winks at you and nudges you to a notebook*

It's such a cool flex.

Are you interested in starting to journal? Or do you journal already? What do you/would you want to journal about?

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